Popamatic was born in Brisbane, Australia to address a common problem; botting on instagram. Tools like instagress, mass planner, etc were against TOS and it was only a matter of time before they were going to be shut down. There was no reason why so many people would pay money for a service they knew was doomed from the beginning was there ? - turns out people paid for these services anyway and the end result was a lot of banned instagram accounts and crushed dreams (dramatic -- right?). Instagress, Mass planner and many other sites like them were shut down.
A Compelling Opportunity
We saw a big opportunity to open up a service that was 100% compliant with Instagram but cheap enough to be considered an alternative to 'instagram bots'. This is where the idea for popamatic was born. By hiring an army of popamatic assistants to help everyone with their everyday tasks on Instagram we were able to provide a genuine growth service for Instagram and stay compliant with Instagram TOS. A Win-Win-Win !
“Tools like instagress, mass planner, etc were against TOS and it was only a matter of time before they were going to be shut down”